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26th September 2002Inspirational
By Pat Betterton
This inspiring true story of people triumphing over great odds has me spellbound. I feel strongly that it really was a miracle - that God was exerting His influence - but we are capable of great feats when God is on our side - when we are positive and working for the greater good.
26th September 2002Dave Nolan
If it was a miracle it was a boxer henry .45 calibre miracle.

It is truly good to see that He was on the side of those seeking to destroy another culture and appropriate the land of that culture - that has a good Old Testament ring to it.
26th September 2002glynne
plus a bayonet with some guts behind it !!
26th September 2002MEL
Dear Pat
Get real !
Well said Dave
27th September 2002Andy Lee
Well said Dave, I would have to question the heavinly intervention part but rather put it down to very brave men with the typical british nerves of steel, good training and tactical awareness.
27th September 2002Arthur Bainbridge
Well you can do anything when Gods on your side,I supose at Issalwanda God was on the Zuylus side then swapped over at Rorkes Drift he can;t lose.
26th June 2003God (via his rep)
Don't drag me in to your sordid squabbles!